Thursday, March 11, 2010

Twice a month...get creative

Okay, okay, EVERYDAY I take a few shots and sometimes really create an image that I love but for most of the time they are images that I'll keep to remind me of who I was.  The other effect of constantly creating images is when I'm out shooting for clients is the images come to me easier.  It keeps the ol' gears going, it keeps my creative engine warm otherwise I'll end up pulling the photographer's equivilent of a ham string and "Brain go dark, Mongo no more make photo."

And that just won't do!

So from the sunrise in my mirrors....

To my dog on the dining room carpet...

To my missus' farrier...

To the monthly shoots I have within the community of local photographers...

To my dad going through a session of Chemo... all works to keep me going as a human being.  I love photography, I love to live it, I love want it gives me.

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