Sunday, February 21, 2010

Wasn't expecting that!

An old mate of mine invited me out for a night of ice skating at the new rink on Docklands.  I invited Maggie along and we got there early for a sticky straight after work.

Little did we realise this would be such a poignant photo

It's a fantastically set up twin rink facility which also serves as the centre for Australia's Winter Olympic Efforts and the staff are top notch.  It's rare that you walk into a publically accessible area in Australia and you're greeted at the door by someone who loves their job.  Top notch.

After an hour and a half of walking around the rink was declared open for Friday night's recreational skate.  I began to break away from the wall and Maggie was gingerly making her way around.  After three successful circumnavigations Maggie slipped, tried to catch herself and slammed her knee into the wall which popped it out.

The next 20 minutes she spent in excruciating pain while the Ambo's tried to make their way through traffic.  She was bad but the staff and my mate, Marissa did their best to keep her calm and in check.

We were off to the Alfred and four hours later we were on the way back home with a splint and crutches.  For a friday night I was expecting a few more people in Emergency at the Alfred which was probably a reason we got through so fast.  Maggie's up for six to eight weeks of recovery now and I'm going to help her where I can.

So here's day three of the seven day project.

Life's not so bad on a local!

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