Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Mini Meet

I'm finding it quite difficult to do anything today. My head is clogged up but I've got to do this post as part of my workflow.

Upload, rate, cull, process, upload to Smugmug and Flickr then write about it....blow nose, take tablet....uuuggh.

...and now leave it for a couple of days and you feel much better about it all. ;)

Now let's get back to saturday's work. I went to an old shoot local where I'd left a jacket behind and it wasn't open so a quick stop at a Burger King and then bustered to Rey's place for the shoot.

Parking was easy and I was the first one there by 15 minutes. Out came the windex and newspapers to clean the road grime off the balcony before the rest of the MUA's, stylists & our 2 models. Now I'll let it be known that Rey had a great itinery set out and we VERY loosely adhered to it. As a consequence I only shot with one of the models but I acheived a lot from the day.

Shooting in the bedroom was an awesome thing which saw me asking Rey for an iron so I could get all the creases from the sheets! I've never ironed on a bed before and no one had ever seen it being done before but it paid off!

Thanks to Rey for wrangling the models, MUA and stylists and lastly for allowing all of us to shoot in his apartment for the afternoon.

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